The building or deploying an android app using mobile app development is just a small part of a bigger story. Your business’ success can’t be well-defined by the launching of the mobile application on Google play store. Successful android app is merely a beginning of the race that is infinite and needs persistence from winning.
Together with the launch and app development, engaging and developing your audience, earning additional revenue, app optimization, analyzing the outcomes and preparing the app consequently is also very significant.
There are many things, which go into the app’s real success after completion of milestones of the devoted services of Android app development.
Keep Your Store Listings Updated
When you deploy your app in the play store, make sure that your app store listings are updated with the latest product details. You can check the guidelines of Google Play also.
Make Sure that Your App Icon Follows the Latest Guidelines
Demonstrate the in-game or in-app videos experience and concentrate on the main content and features immediately in the first 30 seconds as the first impression matters a lot. Google recommends landscape orientation rather than portrait orientation for the videos.
In case, you have installed the game, offer a minimum of three screenshots of 16:9 ratio as well as a video because it makes you qualified to get featured in the bigger collection formats and will increase your conversion rates.
You may also create customized store listings as well as do A/B testing on the store listing to optimize the content on Google Play Store.
Ensure that you have ‘turned-off monetization of the video as well as set privacy settings to ‘public/unlisted’.
Finally, you have to check that your featured graphics convey the game or app experience and also avoid prominent app icons or branding. Your key focus area should be to the centre of graphics maintaining the buffer of 15% from all the four ends.
Optimize App’s Quality and Performance Constantly
It is recommended that you analyze the Android dashboard that will assist you clear how the app is doing on the key vitals metrics including excessive wakeups, ANR rates, crash rates, as well as stuck fractional wake-locks within their backgrounds.
The console of Google Play is specially designed in the way where this could send you the email whenever it perceives an unexpected spike in the vital. Choose Notification settings at the top right of your Overview page for getting important notification.
You may also observe how the app is working together with others within the same categories. You just need to create a customized peer group. This gives you the benchmark data that can assist you in deciding whether you need to invest in fixing the performance problems or the size of apps. After evaluating the metrics, you need to follow the best practices that will help you in improving the app quality as well as increase discoverability on the Google Play Store.
Take the Approach of Lower-Risk & Higher-Rewards
For taking a ‘lower-risk & higher-rewards’ approach for the app launch, one can utilize tools of the Google Play store.
Initially, test the early varieties of apps internally together with reliable users or test them with a bigger scale with the first public beta releases of the app.
After that, try and Recognize technical problems and discuss them before releasing the pre-launching reports.
Finally, release the update to the only small percentage of users within the launch phase using staged rollouts that will assist you in confirming the best performance before you roll out to everybody at once.
Pre-Registration Before You Make a Grand Launch
Assume that you will release the big game or app this year. Think about making the pre-registration campaigns in advance of the grand launch. It makes the Google Play Store listings of the app noticeable before the grand launch.
It helps the users to register whereas they will get notified once the app becomes live. Through this, you could easily create awareness as well as make anticipation for the bigger and more fruitful launch. Another advantage is, you could incentivize the users with some pre-registration prizes whenever they register for the game or app.
Always Communicate Freely
It is very important to ensure that all communication lines are open including your main email ID. Google will send all the significant emails about the account as well as updates to the Google Play. So, continuously check this account regularly.
Wrapping Up
All these tips, as well as the finest practices, make sure that you expressively increase your business using mobile app development this year as well as in the coming years. The majority of guidelines are recommended by Google that has extracted from lessons and experience.