Among the economic disturbances being faced because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the businesses, which can still work are getting challenged with how to make sure business continuity. In businesses, everyone can’t have a remote working and for a few sectors, the employees still have to go for work.
To make sure business continuity, getting into an emergency is important. In the current position, it is important to respond as quickly as possible to mitigate effects as well as other risks to prepare an organization for more development of the coronavirus pandemic as well as its possible situations. Business stability management covers cyber, employee, infrastructure, business, communication, and operational risks, to manage the organization, which needs to face risks and challenges as well as wants to make sure continuity of production and operations.
In usual operation activities as well as in response to general events (e.g. breakdowns), the business stability management sets an operational and strategic framework to aggressively increase the corporate flexibility. The objective is very clear: to stop the suspension of services or operations. How can an organization make sure the stability of the business?
Here, we have recognized a few suitable workplace measures, which employers can accept to continuously run their operations while lessening the risks of the COVID-19 virus’ community spread, supporting productivity levels, therefore protecting the businesses and most significantly their employees.
Create an Emergency Team
To make sure business stability, the business needs to work for the businesses to work as quickly as possible to decrease the negative impacts whereas preparing the organization for all future developments, which may arise because of the COVID-19 outbreak. To consolidate all efforts, the organizations may need to create a core emergency team to organize response efforts as well as outline objectives. This team may also be liable for reviewing emergency as well as business stability plans, creating diverse scenarios and put them in the test to make unknown variables close to the outbreak. The team will work as the go-to-personnel right through the emergency, to make sure stability across all the functions and departments.
Make Sure Safety of All the Employees
In this testing time, the security of employees is of the highest importance. Employees might face various health risks according to the work type they do, wherever they do that as well as their health position. Organizations face different challenges in helping various populations of the workers and make sure equality across the entire workforce. For people, who still have to physically report the work, the organizations are stimulated to observe their employees’ health. For example, testing employees for the symptoms like before the employees report to the work. Other events to be taken care of include social distancing, better hygiene and offering protective clothing. Furthermore, it is also very important that all the important contact details, including emergency contact numbers of all employees, get updated.
EmergencyPlans for Important Roles
With the probability of employees getting ill, or not performing their duties for several factors, emergency plans must be placed for all important roles. Initially, the organizations have to recognize these roles, regulate the skills required to fulfill positions, and recognize who can substitute the key individuals. To lessen the loss of important roles, you need to recognize the skills gaps, quicken training of the candidates or search outside for appropriate replacement candidates. You might also have to recognize where you could free up the capacity as well as redistribute skills that were needed the most.
Split Team Management
A way of mitigating the needless spreading of the coronavirus pandemic and to make sure business stability is splitting the teams. In case, one person of a team gets infected, the rest of the team members will be put into quarantine, which means they won’t be able to work (in case the position does not permit to do remote working). One way of avoiding this might be using physical segregation. For example, dividing the call center’s staff into two locations. Another option is to have teams working on different shifts. This could get applied to the staff that works in the warehouse or building workers working at one site. You can also hire remote developers that work from home.
Flexible Working Arrangements
For helping clients and make sure minimum contact between the employees, suppliers, customers, as well as other shareholders, flexible working arrangements should get applied. For the staff that doesn’t need to be present in the office, you can apply a remote working. If it’s not possible, it’s suggested to split the staff into teams to avoid community spread. This will eliminate needless onsite personnel from getting in contact with the others and also eases the problems getting faced with the working parents because of school closures. You can also hire dedicated developers as dedicated resources for some time, who work from home. Considering the reduced work, reduced hours, or compacted work schedule could be some other alternatives to help employees, whereas helping to decrease redundancies as well as manage augmented demand in the services.
Effective Communication
Communication becomes paramount while navigating through the COVID 19pandemic. It is very important that the business leaders continuously update their staff about any changes done. Information is very important at this time. Because of the requirement for support from their employees to go through this emergency, the management must be translucent about which decisions are getting taken as well as the expectations of different employees in this annoying time. Though, beyond making sure that management talks about what is relating internally, it is also suggested to communicate about measures getting advised by the national health authorities including better hygiene, social distancing, etc.
Wrapping Up
If you need any help in addressing the workforce challenges in this difficult time, you can always contact Brevity Software and we will fulfill our social responsibility in the best possible way.