In 2020, if you are running a travel agency, you can’t become successful without high-performing websites. It is expected that online travel sales will reach a figure of a massive $817 billion in the year 2020. You can’t be able to leverage these demandsif you don’t have a travel portal and it will be a great loss for you!
In today’s hyper-connecting world, consumers want immediate answers. Travel agencies need to adapt as well as become more sensitive to be corresponding to their client’s expectations and it would be shamefulif with the current traveling technologies, they unable to utilize their goodbenefits. With B2B and B2C travel portal development, travel portals can increase the profits by reaching worldwide customers.
Though, the technology growth in the traveling sector is not restricted to scheduling a trip. Digitization has made a huge difference in making travel more accessible, convenient, and affordablethan ever. Using recent technologies, the whole landscape of the entiretravel industry is moving.
Let’s understand how to travel portal development can help B2B &B2C travel portals have a boost intheir business:
If you believethat your 9 to 7 pm call center is good enough in answering all your customers’ queries then you are completely wrong. Today, customers demand information and support 24×7. If you have a worldwide audience, then your customer support should be available according to their time zones. Statistics say that 148.3 million online travel bookings getdoneevery year. Today’s consumers do not know why agencies can’t answer the questions immediately. The Internet has becomeavital part of their everyday lives.
Therefore, the agencies need to put an end to waiting for the phones to change the room categories or departure time and dates. Agencieshave toreact immediately to customers. Having an online travel portal helps you providevirtual assistance or chatbots every time the customers visits the site. This also provideshigh ROI by reducing the working cost of any call centers.
AnyB2C or B2B travel portal helps you take benefits of the habits, which are deep-rooted in today’s culture. Travelers have the habit to share their opinions and impressions online. Think interactivity. If your customers are expressing themselves online, you can support this style for the advantage of your business.
In your website, you can easily integrate aneasy contact form, some space for testimonials, and a forum for capturing the customers’ views.Around 80% of the travelers spend around 4 weeks on the TripAdvisor website reading other traveler’s reviews as well as researching some destinations. Supposean online booking engine offers them reviews or discussion forums, what to do?
It Helps You Know Your Customers
One informed man equals two ordinary men and it’s validfor the travel industryalso. Understanding your customers gives better chances of making sales. The B2B or B2C travel portal development can assist you in analyzing customer’s data. You will have access to differentinformation levels; who have visited the website, when, which products get sought as well as how they are purchased, what dispirits the prospects from making the purchase, etc. This dataproves to be a goldmine. You may also add services as well as plan promotions depending on the data to change prospects to customers as well ascreate loyalty amongstthe past customers.
Broad Service Range
Pricing is not the only factor, which customers thinkabout before booking. Travel portal developmentprovidesa superior and custom-made customer experience. This can support customersthrough the journey, not only between departure and booking but also through the stay.
Put as briefly as possible to have people to your site, you need to provide them what they desire or want and that’s the reason why you need toconvert your site into a helpful travel source.
Lead the Competition
Travel technologieshave reached new heights. Conventional agencies will soon become things of the past. Indeed, just a run-of-the-mill site will not serve too. The travel sector has already started using advanced technologies like AI, Big Data, AR/VR,IoT, as well as biometrics to provide customers a seamless and secure user experience.
Travel businesses require to get aligned with some practices and to shift themselves. It depends on them to improve their added values and B2B travel portal developmentis a perfect answer. Besides, today having a website is no not a heavier financial commitment, particularly if you compare that to the ROI. In contrast, there are many affordable open-source solutions and different networks providedifferent solutions.
What is necessary is to get the best ticket booking softwareDevelopment Company to havecomprehensive and robust B2B travel portal developmentservices. We, at Ticketbookit, are specialists in developing ticket booking softwarefor SMEs and big businesses. If it is a custom-made solution or animportant B2B travel portal, we can help you by providing the services, which match all your requirements.